Independent Checking Engineer for Design drawings for the Project: Construction of Vlora Bypass" (Financed by EU, EBRD, EIB.)”




01/2016 – 06/2017


The consultancy services consist in the review and certification of the designs' compliance with Employer's Requirements, the applicable design codes/standards, and Albanian Laws. The designs include: - The design schedule based on the works execution programme; - The hypothesis notes detailing the hypotheses and calculation methods envisaged for the calculations, the design programmes to be used; - The calculation notes showing the structural stability and verifying the aptitude for use of all the construction elements, both temporary or final; - The independent design check and certification confirming that the completed design complies in all respects with the requirements of the Contract. - The global and detailed drawings needed for construction (method drawings and construction drawings); - Setting-out drawings.

Construction works value 35 million €