Feasibility Study for the Albanian southern airport


Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)


11/2017 – 03/2018


Vlora International Airport (VIA) will be located approximately 13 km North of Vlora, in Akerni surroundings, not so far from the Rruga autostradale A2 (Autostrada e Pavarësisë) and Rruga shtetërore SH8 (from 2 to 3 km). The airport will be provided with one runway (13/31), one parallel taxiway, five taxiways (Alpha, Bravo, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot), one Rapid Exit Taxiway (Charlie) and four aprons. According to the concessionaire contract, the airport should accommodate 4E aircraft functions. 4E is the aerodrome reference code. Our scope of work includes preparation of the preliminary and detailed design of airport infrastructure as geometry and pavement of runway, taxiways and aprons, connection road network, parking areas, fence. Hydrological study within area of interest is also part of this project to evaluate the potential risk of flooding.